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Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranid- Broodlord
When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause untold carnage amongst the enemy army. Incredibly dangerous as with all Tyranids, the Broodlord towers over many,...Sale price $40.50Regular price $45.00 -
Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranid- Neurogaunts
Neurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion swarms, while projecting their command signals throughout...Sale price $37.80Regular price $42.00 -
Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranids - Genestealers
Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying strength and agility. Their broods move far ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets, to seek out fresh feeding grounds and spread...Sale price $52.20Regular price $58.00 -
Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranids - Gargoyle Brood
Gargoyles are often the first wave of a Tyranid swarm to be seen in battle. Thus a Tyranid attack is preceded by the beating of thousands of membranous wings as Gargoyle Broods descend upon the...Sale price $42.30Regular price $47.00 -
Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranids - Hive Guard
Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the Tyranid Hive Ships and capillary towers that stand sentinel over prey worlds, until such time as intruders...Sale price $72.00Regular price $80.00 -
Vendor: Atlas Games
Tyranids - Lictor
Lictors are a sinister adaptation of the Tyranid Warrior bioform, specialising in infiltration, scouting, and assassination. Hidden by their chameleonic skin, these vanguard beasts stalk their prey beyond the reach of the Hive Mind's synaptic web,...Sale price $46.80Regular price $52.00